Ian Andrews



SD video . 4min 45 sec .1998

Close to trillion dollars a day changes hands globally in foreign exchange transactions. Only 15 percent corresponds to actual commodities or capital. The incredible speed of the New York Stock Exchange's Superdot electronic order routing system means that the Dow Jones can swing back and forth by more than 50 points in a matter of minutes. These conditions bring about a condition known as "data panic:" a feeling of insecurity and anxiety that engulfs every transfer of digital information, from international trade to electronic banking.

Datapanic combines images of computers, tape streamers, ATMs, terminals, workstations, printers, status indicators, traces and scans with computer animated icons, diagrams, pictograms, error messages, warnings, numbers, barcodes and binary digits. An advertorial style voice over narrates a non-sensical computer generated text interspersed with information technology advertising slogans.

Datapanic is a subtle satirical critique of the unbounded euphoria which often surrounds the marketing of new technology and the ideology of globalisation.

"Andrews exploits around the use of new media to focus attention on the excitement itself. His collage of computer images and icons is adorned with computer-generated advertising gibberish. A satire on the euphoria surrounding the marketing of new technologies." From 28th International Film Festival, Rotterdam, 1999 catalogue.